Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why Should a Leader Care About Employees?

Partnering for Profits: Personally Responsible

Read at risk of anger: I wrote about organizations using the Scanlon Plan for employee equity sharing in my first book titled, “The Art of Partnering;” pick up a used copy at Amazon. With the Scanlon Plan, both employees and leadership are equally responsible for the organization’s success.

In these difficult economic times, leaders are still responsible to their employees to ensure jobs and livelihood. Over the last decade, many leaders have unfortunately proven to be scum; taking huge bonuses or severance payments and leaving employees to fend for themselves. Does the word “Unions” have a meaning here?

You may disagree with me on this, and you have the right to be wrong; if you are a leader, you are responsible!!! If you are a leader in your organization and you are working 60 hours a week leading the charge, God bless you—you are a true leader. If you are in a leadership position and are taking vacation time, time off, and generally MIA, you are NOT a leader but rather a parasite on the organization. Sorry if the truth hurts, but it’s the truth.

Hourly employees cannot be expected to be organizational rain makers. For if they were, they would not stick around as hourly employees. Leaders are expected to be rain makers, and to provide for their employees. And that’s why leaders get the big bucks.

When you are ready for the “Ed Rigsbee Experience” in your organization, give me a call at 800-839-1520.

Executive Presentation Skills: Confidence

I hope you enjoy what my good friend, Randy Pennington, CSP, CPAE, has to say about confidence:

1. Confidence in my material and expertise. I know that what I have to say is important and relevant to the audience's needs. I have done my research and know what I need to do. The work has been put in to ensure I can be confident in what I'm going to say before I ever walk on platform.

2. Experience and confidence in my skills. There are very few situations that I haven't seen over the years. The comfort in knowing that I have previously succeeded in difficult situations gives me confidence that I can handle anything that comes up.

3. Obligation and duty. The audience and the person who hired me expect a level of confidence from me. It is part of the package for the fee I am paid. To show less than a level of confidence that increases the opportunities for success is taking money I didn't earn.

Executive Public Speakers, Professional Speakers, and Emerging Professional Speakers; please visit for additional ideas, assistance, and resources.

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